
ISO / IEC 27001 : 2022

FL-SISTEM has implemented and maintains an Information Security Management System. Providing services of the implementation, installation and maintenance of banking application solutions. Through an audit, documented in a report, it is verified that the managment system fullfills the requirements of the following standard: ISO / IEC 27001 : 2022

ISO / IEC 27001 : 2022

SWIFT Shared Infrastructure Programme (SIP)

FL-SISTEM SWIFT Service Bureau (FLSSB) is part of the Shared Infrastructure Programme (SIP), which is designed to establish and maintain high level of security and resilience for Service Bureau operations. It defines operational standards for third-party Service Bureaux offering Swift connectivity - ensuring quality, security and reliability. 

Swift’s certification verifies compliance with the SIP requirements at the time of assessment. Service Bureaux are responsible for ensuring their continued compliance with the applicable SIP requirements at all times, and are obliged to notify incidents and events (for example, security incidents) that impact the provision of services to their customers. 

Since 2018, SIP includes a harmonisation with Swift's Customer Security Programme (CSP), in order to align the security controls that Swift Users need to implement the controls the Service Bureaux put in place.

SWIFT Customer Security Programme (CSP)