SWIFT is a global member-owned cooperative and the world’s leading provider of secure financial messaging services.
FL-SISTEM is a certified SWIFT Service Bureau (FLSSB) and is listed on the official SWIFT Service Bureau Directory . FLSSB has been designed and implemented in accordance with strict SWIFT rules and guidance in order to provide a secure and reliable platform for the clients. FLSSB’s operations and compliance procedures are regularly monitored and audited by SWIFT .
Eastnets is a global provider of compliance and payment solutions for the financial services sector. Their experience and expertise help ensure trust at 800 financial institutions across the world, including 11 of the top 50 world banks.
FL-SISTEM is the official partner of EastNets. We are authorized for the installation and application support processes for users of Eastnets software solutions in Croatia and the SEE region. Additionally, we are authorized to issue offers and contract work for Eastnets.
DOW JONES is the global leader in data intelligence for anti-money laundering, anti-corruption, economic sanctions, third-party data and managing regulatory and reputational risk.