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Instant Payments

FL-SISTEM offers full infrastructure to operate instant payments services for financial and non-financial institutions through our certified FL SWIFT Service Bureau.


Instant payments are a form of credit transfer whereby funds pass from the payer’s to the payee’s account in a matter of seconds, at any time, day or night, on any day of the year. All that is enabled because of TARGET Instant Payment Settlement (TIPS), which is a market infrastructure service launched by the Eurosystem in November 2018. It helps ensure that any bank account holder in Europe can be reached and that individuals and companies can transfer monex between each other within seconds, irrespective of the opening house of their local bank.


Using our FL-SISTEM infrastructure enables financial and non-financial institutions to be a part of the instant payments systems with reduced cost due to our fully managed service.

Main benefits of using FL-Sistem's infrastructure to operate instant payments

  • Fast and secure solution
  • Lower operational cost
  • Eliminate complex instant payments infrastructure integration
  • Reduce workload and the need for in-house infrastructure